Ian McNamara Tributes Buddy

Ian McNamara’s

Ian McNamara includes Lindsay Butler Hit cover of Buddy Williams’ ‘Over Hilltop And Hollow’ on his compilation album ‘Australia All Over’.

Lindsay Butler - “Around about 1986 I was working as guitarist and record producer for Tamworth’s Hadley Sound Studio. I spoke to the owners Eric and Hilary Scott about the idea of doing an instrumental tribute album of Buddy Williams recorded songs. I had spent 3 years touring with Buddy as his guitarist and always admired him as a great Australian artist and also because I knew all of his popular songs.

I would have been only about 10 years old when I started to play his songs as instrumentals. The album was recorded and released and was very well received. One of the songs chosen was “Over Hilltop And Hollow'“.

It caught the ear of ABC’s Ian McNamara and his radio program ‘Australia All Over’. At that time I also recorded the instrumental introduction of ‘Australia All Over’ which I believe is still being used.

The instrumental of Over “Hilltop And Hollow” was also released on an ABC album. At that time I also performed doing some live shows with Ian and noticed how many people loved the instrumental.

Since then I also get lots of requests for the song. I think I could thank Buddy and Macca’s input in making it a very popular instrumental. It has sold many CDs over the years and has become one of my best selling recordings.


Lindsay Butler Tributes Buddy


Lindsay Butler Tributes Buddy